Relationships between cognitive function and frontal grey matter volumes and thickness in middle aged and early old-age adults: The PATH Through Life Study




Gautam, Prapti
Cherbuin, Nicolas
Sachdev, Perminder Singh
Wen, Wei
Anstey, Kaarin

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Academic Press


The study examined the relationship of lateral frontal cortical volume and thickness with cognitive function in two samples of healthy middle aged (MA, 44-48. years old) and early old-age (OA, 64-68. years old) adults. T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging scans were acquired in 400 MA and 397 OA adults from respective random community samples. Cortical volumes and thickness were measured with a surface-based segmentation procedure ( Volumes of lateral frontal grey matter were found to be significantly lower for OA than MA. Structure-function relationships were investigated using path analyses. In OA, smaller lateral frontal volumes were associated with better episodic memory (EM) (p < 0.012, B = -0.117), and Symbol-Digit Modalities Test (SDM) (p < 0.031, B = -0.118) performance. Smaller frontal cortical thickness was also associated with better EM (p < 0.01) and SDM (p < 0.01) performance in OA. However, in MA greater cortical thickness was associated with better EM and (p < 0.01) and reaction time (RT) (p < 0.01). OA cohort showed significant positive correlations between Total Brain Volume and SDM, Digit-Backwards span and RT. Possible explanations and implications of the relationships in the context of cognitive aging in healthy adults, and limitations of cross-sectional research are discussed.



Keywords: adult; age; aged; aging; article; brain size; cognition; controlled study; episodic memory; female; frontal cortex; gray matter; human; male; medical research; neuropsychological test; normal human; nuclear magnetic resonance imaging; priority journal; re Cognitive aging; Frontal cortex; MRI





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