Near-diffraction-limited Bragg reflection waveguide lasers




Wang, Lijie
Li, Zhen
Tong, Cunzhu
Shu, Shili
Tian, Sicong
Zhang, Jun
Zhang, Xin
Wang, Lijun

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Optical Society of America


We report a near-diffraction-limited tapered Bragg reflection waveguide laser (BRL) with a 10 μm ridge width, which is significantly larger than the conventional design. The large mode expansion in the vertical waveguide enables a scalable increase in the ridge width for single lateral mode operation. The role of the taper angle in the performance of tapered BRLs with the intrinsic characteristics of a thick vertical waveguide was investigated. The results indicate that the BRL with a taper angle of 3° shows the best far-field performance. An extremely low vertical divergence angle of 14.5° and a lateral divergence as low as 2.8° for 95% power inclusion were realized. A continuous-wave power exceeding 1 W was demonstrated. Over the entire operating current range, the vertical beam is almost unchanged with an excellent beam quality (M2) of about 1.3. Lateral beam width increases slightly at higher currents due to the increasing contribution of side lobes, but it still remains nearly diffraction-limited with a lateral M2 of less than 2. Narrow beam divergence and high beam quality of the lasers allow simple and inexpensive collimation and coupling.





Applied Optics


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