Solar Thermal Energy Systems in Australia




Lovegrove, Keith
Dennis, Michael

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Taylor & Francis Group


Australia has developed world leading solar thermal technologies, with only very low national market penetration. Domestic solar water heating is the most common solar thermal instrument, with around 5% of homes using it and most of these systems are conventional flat plate thermosyphon systems. Other low temperature solar thermal research includes solar crop drying, solar ponds and solar air heating but all on a small scale. There is a worldwide resurgence in interest in high temperature solar thermal through solar concentrating systems. Australia has a number of these systems many of which are near commercial fulfilment; notably, Solar Heat and Power Pty Ltd's Compact Linear Fresnel Array system currently being implemented at Liddell Power station and the ANU 400m2 Big Dish now being commercialized by Wizard Power Pty Ltd. CSIRO has recently opened a solar energy centre in Newcastle that features a solar central receiver tower system and a trough concentrator array.



Keywords: Heating; High temperature operations; Signal receivers; Solar energy; Solar water heaters; Fresnel Array systems; Solar concentrating systems; Solar thermal energy; Thermosyphon systems; Water heating; Solar system Solar concentrating systems; Solar thermal energy; Water heating



International Journal of Environmental Studies


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