Compositional changes on GaN surfaces under low-energy ion bombardment studied by synchrotron-based spectroscopies




Deenapanray, Prakash N. K.
Petravić, M.
Kim, K.-J.
Kim, B.
Li, G.

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American Institute of Physics


We have investigated compositional changes on GaNsurfaces under Ar-ion bombardment using synchrotron-based high-resolution x-rayphotoemission (PES) and near-edge x-ray absorption fine structure(NEXAFS)spectroscopy. The low-energy ion bombardment of GaN produces a Ga-rich surface layer which transforms into a metallic Ga layer at higher bombarding energies. At the same time, the photoemissionspectra around N 1s core levels reveal the presence of both uncoordinated nitrogen and nitrogen interstitials, which we have analyzed in more details by x-rayabsorption measurements at N K edge. We have demonstrated that PES and NEXAFS provide a powerful combination for studying the compositional changes on GaNsurfaces. A mechanism for the relocation and loss of nitrogen during ion bombardment in agreement with some recent experimental and theoretical studies of defect formation in GaN has been proposed.



Keywords: Absorption spectroscopy; Composition effects; Defects; Emission spectroscopy; Ion bombardment; Nitrogen; Reaction kinetics; Surface chemistry; Synchrotron radiation; X ray spectroscopy; Compositional changes; Defect formation; High resolution x ray photoe



Applied Physics Letters


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