Hydrogen refinement during solid phase epitaxy of buried amorphous silicon layers




Pyke, D. J.
McCallum, Jeffrey C.
Johnson, B. C.

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American Institute of Physics


The effect of hydrogen on the kinetics of solid phase epitaxy (SPE) have been studied in buried amorphous Si layers. The crystallization rate of the front amorphous/crystalline (a/c) interface is monitored with time resolved reflectivity.Secondary ion mass spectrometry(SIMS) is used to examine H implanted profiles at selected stages of the anneals. The H retardation of the SPE rate is determined up to a H concentration of 2.3×10²⁰ cm¯³ where the SPE rate decreases by 80%. Numerical simulations are performed to model the H diffusion, the moving a/c interfaces and the refinement of the H profile at these interfaces. Despite the high H concentration involved, a simple Fickian diffusion model results in good agreement with the SIMS data. The segregation coefficient is estimated to be 0.07 at 575 °C. A significant fraction of the H escapes from the a-Si layer during SPE especially once the two a/c interfaces meet which is signified by the lack of H-related voids after a subsequent high temperature anneal.



Keywords: a-Si layers; Amorphous Si; Amorphous silicon layers; Crystallization rates; Effect of hydrogen; Fickian diffusion models; H diffusion; High temperature; Numerical simulation; Segregation coefficients; Solid phase epitaxy; Time-resolved reflectivities; Com



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