Respiratory outcomes study (RESPOS) for preterm infants at primary school age




Astle, Valerie
Broom, Margaret
Todd, David A.
Charles, Blessy
Ringland, Cathy
Ciszek, Karen
Shadbolt, Bruce

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Informa Healthcare


OBJECTIVE Pulmonary function abnormalities and hospital re-admissions in survivors of neonatal lung disease remain highly prevalent. The respiratory outcomes study (RESPOS) aimed to investigate the respiratory and associated atopy outcomes in preterm infants <30 weeks gestational age (GA) and/or birth-weight (BWt) <1000 g at primary school age, and to compare these outcomes between infants with and without chronic lung disease (CLD). METHODS In the RESPOS 92 parents of preterm infants admitted to the Neonatal unit in Canberra Hospital between 1/1/2001 and 31/12/2003 were sent a questionnaire regarding their respiratory, atopy management and follow-up. RESULTS Fifty-three parents responded, including 28 preterm infants who had CLD and 25 who had no CLD. The gestational age was significantly lower in the CLD group compared to the non-CLD group [26.9 (26.3-27.5) CLD and 28.6 (28.3-29.0) non-CLD] [weeks [95% confidence interval (CI)]], as was the birth weight [973 (877.4-1068.8) CLD versus 1221 (1135.0-1307.0) non-CLD] [g (CI)]. CLD infants compared to non-CLD infants were significantly more likely to have been: given surfactant, ventilated and on oxygen at 28 days and 36 weeks. These neonates were also more likely to have: been discharged from the neonatal unit on oxygen, exhibit a history of PDA or sepsis and to have a current paediatrician. However, despite these differences, there was no significant difference in the proportion of asthma or atopic disease between the two groups. CONCLUSIONS The RESPOS could not demonstrate respiratory and/or atopy differences between the CLD and the non-CLD groups at primary school age.



asthma, atopy, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, chronic lung disease, low birth weight, australia, child, child, preschool, eczema, female, gestational age, humans, infant, newborn, infant, premature, infant, premature, diseases, lung diseases, male, odds ratio, questionnaires, rhinitis, allergic, seasonal, risk



Journal of Asthma


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