Interactions of the Totten Glacier with the Southern Ocean through multiple glacial cycles (IN2017-V01): Post-survey report
Armand, Leanne
O'Brien, Philip
Armbrecht, Linda
Barker, Hugh
Caburlotto, Andrea
Connell, Thomas
Cotterle, Diego
Duffy, Meghan
Edwards, Stuart
Evangelinos, Dimitrios
Journal Title
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Canberra, ACT: Research School of Earth Sciences, The Australian National University
The Sabrina Sea Floor Survey was a major marine geoscience expedition to the Antarctic margin which took place between 14 January and 7 March 2017. It sailed on the Australian Marine National Facility vessel RV Investigator. This document describes survey activities, data collected on the ship and important metadata. Some preliminary results are included and the location of samples and data sets reported for future use. The report also provides information on data ownership and acknowledgement for future use and publication. It is intended as an aid to future research and use of results and has not been rigorously edited and peer-reviewed.
The authors wish to thank the CSIRO Marine National Facility (MNF) for its support in the form of sea time on RV Investigator, support personnel, scientific equipment and data management. All data and samples acquired on the voyage are made publicly available in accordance with MNF Policy. All raw and processed data acquired by MNF equipment on MNF voyages will be archived by MNF data support staff in the enduring CSIRO Data Access Portal, Metadata records will be made publicly available at Processed data and data products will be made publicly available through Data Trawler, the MNF web data access tool, and/or from national or world data centres most suitable for the dissemination of particular data types.
Other Australian Program Support Smaller projects have attracted funding to support research activities post-cruise these include the following: 1. Australian and New Zealand IODP Committee (ANZIC) Special Analytical Support Grant. Project Title: Using ancient phytoplankton communities and genes to illuminate future ocean responses. Researchers involved: L. Armand, L. Armbrecht, M. Ostrowski, & S. George. 2. Australian Antarctic Division Australian Antarctic Science Grant (#4320). Project Title: Characterising East Antarctic seabed habitats. Researchers involved: Post, A.L., & Smith, J. 3. Australian Antarctic Division Australian Antarctic Science Grant (#4419). Project Title: Response of the Totten Glacier to past climate warming. Researchers involved: Noble, T., Armand, L., Chase, Z., & Halpin, J.
Other Australian Program Support Smaller projects have attracted funding to support research activities post-cruise these include the following: 1. Australian and New Zealand IODP Committee (ANZIC) Special Analytical Support Grant. Project Title: Using ancient phytoplankton communities and genes to illuminate future ocean responses. Researchers involved: L. Armand, L. Armbrecht, M. Ostrowski, & S. George. 2. Australian Antarctic Division Australian Antarctic Science Grant (#4320). Project Title: Characterising East Antarctic seabed habitats. Researchers involved: Post, A.L., & Smith, J. 3. Australian Antarctic Division Australian Antarctic Science Grant (#4419). Project Title: Response of the Totten Glacier to past climate warming. Researchers involved: Noble, T., Armand, L., Chase, Z., & Halpin, J.
Cruise report, Totten Glacier, IN2017-V01, Antarctica, Southern Ocean, Sabrina Coast
L.K. Armand, P.E. O’Brien and On-board Scientific Party. 2018. Interactions of the Totten Glacier with the Southern Ocean through multiple glacial cycles (IN2017-V01): Post-survey report, Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University: Canberra,
Report (Research)
Book Title
Sabrina Sea Floor Survey
Australian Research Council (DP170100557). The grant title “Applying multidisciplinary methods to resolve past Antarctic sea-ice extent.” and the PI’s are: L. Armand, S. George, S. Belt, P. Heraud, C. Bowler, & J. Beardall.
Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (MINECO) (CTM2015-60451-C2-1-P & CTM2015-60451-C2-2-P). Project Title: The Tasman and Drake gateways and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current: origin, evolution and its effect on climate and Antarctic ice sheet evolution and Geodynamic Evolution of the Tasman and Drake Gateways: onshore-offshore tectonic correlation of continental margins and oceanic basins.
Italian Antarctic program support PNRA TYTAN Project (PdR 14_00119) Project Title: Totten Glacier dYnamics and Southern Ocean circulation impact on deposiTional processes since the mid-lAte CeNozoic (TYTAN).
United States National Science Foundation's Polar Program - Antarctic Integrated System Science. #1143834, 1143836, 1143837, 1143843, 1313826. Project Title: Totten Glacier System and the Marine Record of Cryosphere - Ocean Dynamics.
Australian Antarctic Science Grant Program (AAS #4333). The grant title is “Interactions of the Totten Glacier with the Southern Ocean through multiple glacial cycles” and the PI’s are: Armand, L.K. O'Brien, P., Post, A., Goodwin, I., Opdyke, B., Leventer, A., Domack, E., Escuita-Dotti, C. & DeSantis, L.
Australian Research Council (DP170100557). The grant title “Applying multidisciplinary methods to resolve past Antarctic sea-ice extent.” and the PI’s are: L. Armand, S. George, S. Belt, P. Heraud, C. Bowler, & J. Beardall.
Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (MINECO) (CTM2015-60451-C2-1-P & CTM2015-60451-C2-2-P). Project Title: The Tasman and Drake gateways and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current: origin, evolution and its effect on climate and Antarctic ice sheet evolution and Geodynamic Evolution of the Tasman and Drake Gateways: onshore-offshore tectonic correlation of continental margins and oceanic basins.
Italian Antarctic program support PNRA TYTAN Project (PdR 14_00119) Project Title: Totten Glacier dYnamics and Southern Ocean circulation impact on deposiTional processes since the mid-lAte CeNozoic (TYTAN).
United States National Science Foundation's Polar Program - Antarctic Integrated System Science. #1143834, 1143836, 1143837, 1143843, 1313826. Project Title: Totten Glacier System and the Marine Record of Cryosphere - Ocean Dynamics.
Australian Antarctic Science Grant Program (AAS #4333). The grant title is “Interactions of the Totten Glacier with the Southern Ocean through multiple glacial cycles” and the PI’s are: Armand, L.K. O'Brien, P., Post, A., Goodwin, I., Opdyke, B., Leventer, A., Domack, E., Escuita-Dotti, C. & DeSantis, L.
Entity type
Access Statement
Open Access
License Rights
Restricted until
Scientific Cruise Report
Scientific Cruise Report: Appendices 1 to 10
Appendix 1: Sample Lists
Appendix 1.1: Quarantine Sediment sample lists
Appendix 1.2: Quarantine Sediments and slides for USA lists