A turnover in the galaxy main sequence of star formation at M*∼ 10¹⁰ M☉ for redshifts z< 1.3




Lee, Nicholas
Sanders, D. B.
Casey, Caitlin M.
Toft, Sune
Scoville, N. Z.
Hung, Chao-Ling
Le Floc'h, Emeric
Ilbert, Olivier
Zahid, H. Jabran
Aussel, Hervé

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IOP Publishing


The relationship between galaxy star formation rates (SFRs) and stellar masses (M∗) is reexamined using a mass-selected sample of ∼62,000 star-forming galaxies at z 1.3 in the COSMOS 2 deg²field. Using new far-infrared photometry from Herschel-PACS and SPIRE and Spitzer-MIPS 24μm, along with derived infrared luminosities from the NRK method based on galaxies’ locations in the restframe color–color diagram (NUV − r) versus (r − K), we are able to more accurately determine total SFRs for our complete sample. At all redshifts, the relationship between median SFR and M∗ follows a power law at low stellar masses, and flattens to nearly constant SFR at high stellar masses. We describe a new parameterization that provides the best fit to the main sequence and characterizes the low mass power-law slope, turnover mass, and overall scaling. The turnover in the main sequence occurs at a characteristic mass of about M0 ∼ 10¹⁰ Mʘ at all redshifts. The low mass power-law slope ranges from 0.9–1.3 and the overall scaling rises in SFR as a function of (1 +z)⁴˙¹²±⁰˙¹⁰. A broken power-law fit below and above the turnover mass gives relationships of SFR ∝ M⁰˙⁸⁸±⁰˙⁰⁶ ∗ below the turnover mass and SFR ∝ M⁰˙²⁷±⁰˙⁰⁴ ∗ above the turnover mass. Galaxies more massive than M∗ 1010 M have a much lower average specific star formation rate (sSFR) than would be expected by simply extrapolating the traditional linear fit to the main sequence found for less massive galaxies.



galaxies: evolution, galaxies: high-redshift, galaxies: star formation



The Astrophysical Journal


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