Second-order nonlinear Schrödinger equation breather solutions in the degenerate and rogue wave limits




Kedziora, David J.
Ankiewicz, Adrian
Akhmediev, Nail

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American Physical Society


We present an explicit analytic form for the two-breather solution of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with imaginary eigenvalues. It describes various nonlinear combinations of Akhmediev breathers and Kuznetsov-Ma solitons. The degenerate case, when the two eigenvalues coincide, is quite involved. The standard inverse scattering technique does not generally provide an answer to this scenario. We show here that the solution can still be found as a special limit of the general second-order expression and appears as a mixture of polynomials with trigonometric and hyperbolic functions. A further restriction of this particular case, where the two eigenvalues are equal to i, produces the second-order rogue wave with two free parameters considered as differential shifts. The illustrations reveal a precarious dependence of wave profile on the degenerate eigenvalues and differential shifts. Thus we establish a hierarchy of second-order solutions, revealing the interrelated nature of the general case, the rogue wave, and the degenerate breathers.



Keywords: Degenerate case; Differential shifts; Dinger equation; Eigenvalues; Free parameters; Inverse scattering; Nonlinear combination; Rogue waves; Second orders; Second-order expressions; Second-order solutions; Wave profiles; Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions; Po



Physical Review E-Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics 85.6 (2012): 066601


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