Enterocyte-specific regulation of the apical nutrient transporter SLC6A19 (B0AT1) by transcriptional and epigenetic networks




Tümer, Emrah
Bröer, Angelika
Balkrishna, Sarojini
Jülich, Torsten
Bröer, Stefan

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American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


Enterocytes are specialized to absorb nutrients from the lumen of the small intestine by expressing a select set of genes to maximize the uptake of nutrients. They develop from stem cells in the crypt and differentiate into mature enterocytes while moving along the crypt-villus axis. Using, as an example, the Slc6a19 gene, encoding the neutral amino acid transporter B0AT1, we studied regulation of the gene by transcription factors and epigenetic factors in the intestine. To investigate this question we used a fractionation method to separate mature enterocytes from crypt cells and analysed gene expression. Transcription factors HNF1a and HNF4a activate transcription of the Slc6a19 gene in villus enterocytes, while high levels of SOX9 repress expression in the crypts. CpG dinucleotides in the proximal promoter were highly methylated in the crypt and fully de-methylated in the villus. Furthermore, histone modification H3K27Ac, indicating an active promo! ter, was prevalent in villus cells but barely detectable in crypt cells. The results suggest that Slc6a19 expression in the intestine is regulated at three different levels involving promoter methylation, histone modification and opposing transcription factors.



amino acids transport, chromatin histone modification, DNA methylation, gene expression, intestinal epithelium, transcription factor



Journal of Biological Chemistry 288.47 (2013): 33813-23


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