Analytical evaluation of coverage-oriented femtocell network deployment



Wang, He
Reed, Mark C.
Zhou, Xiangyun

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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)


This paper proposes a coverage-oriented femtocell network deployment scheme, in which the femtocell base stations (BSs) can decide whether to be active or inactive depending on their distances from the macrocell BSs. Specifically, as the areas close to the macrocell BSs already have satisfactory cellular coverage, the femtocell BSs located inside such areas are kept to be inactive. Thus, all the active femtocells are located in the poor macrocell coverage areas. Based on a stochastic geometric framework, the coverage probability can be analyzed with tractable results. Surprisingly, the results show that the proposed scheme, although with a lower defacto femtocell density, can achieve better coverage performance than that keeping all femtocells in the entire network to be active. The analytical results further identify the achievable optimal performance of the new scheme, which provides mobile operators a guideline for femtocell deployment and operation.



Analytical models, Approximation methods, Interference, Macrocell networks, Random variables, Signal to noise ratio


Wang, H., Zhou, X., & Reed, M. (2013): Analytical evaluation of coverage-oriented femtocell network deployment. In 2013 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) (pp. 5974 - 5979). Budapest: IEEE.


2013 IEEE International Conference on Communications


Conference paper

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