Structural and mechanical features of the order-disorder transition in experimental hard-sphere packings




Hanifpour, M
Francois, Nicolas
Robins, Vanessa
Kingston, Andrew
Allaei, Mehdi
Saadatfar, Mohammad

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American Physical Society


Here we present an experimental and numerical investigation on the grain-scale geometrical and mechanical properties of partially crystallized structures made of macroscopic frictional grains. Crystallization is inevitable in arrangements of monosized hard spheres with packing densities exceeding Bernal's limiting density φBernal≈0.64. We study packings of monosized hard spheres whose density spans over a wide range (0.59<φ<0.72). These experiments harness x-ray computed tomography, three-dimensional image analysis, and numerical simulations to access precisely the geometry and the 3D structure of internal forces within the sphere packings. We show that clear geometrical transitions coincide with modifications of the mechanical backbone of the packing both at the grain and global scale. Notably, two transitions are identified at φBernal≈0.64 and φc≈0.68. These results provide insights on how geometrical and mechanical features at the grain scale conspire to yield partially crystallized structures that are mechanically stable.





Physical Review E-Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics


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