Moses Moss and Company

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The wine, liquor and general merchant company was established by Moses Moss with an office and store in Wynyard Lane, Sydney by 1858. After Moses' death in 1883, Louis Phillips became the principal of the firm. The company advertised throughout Australia focusing on the Dutch product Wolfe's Aromatic Schnapps. In 1946 its office was located in Reiby Place, Sydney. Moses Moss & Co was later owned by Walter Cavel and Crawford & Co. Cavel's holdings were purchased by Universal Groceries who were bought out by G J Coles around 1955.

The Moses Moss and Company deposit held by the Noel Butlin Archives Centre contains photographs, negatives and photo album of advertising images on billboards, buildings and window displays in various states including NSW, Victoria and WA, cash book of Louis Phillips, newspaper clippings, general correspondence and printed material.


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