Solomon Islands
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Item Open Access Item Open Access Item Open Access Solomon IslandsSolomon Islands with colour elevation highlighting Guadalcanal and The Weather Coast.Item Open Access Solomon IslandsSolomon Islands showing the position of the eastern group in relation the the main islands.Item Open Access Item Open Access Solomon Islands with location mapThe provincial names and borders of the nine Solomon Islands provinces with inset showing its proximity to nearby countries.Item Open Access Solomon Islands - ProvincesA colour relief map of the main Solomon Islands showing province borders and including a location inset.Item Restricted Item Open Access Solomon IslandsSolomon Islands with colour elevation highlighting Guadalcanal and The Weather Coast.Item Open Access Choiseul and Shortland IslandsColour elevation map of the islands in the north-west corner of the Solomons - Choiseul and Shortland Islands.Item Open Access Item Open Access Item Open Access Makira IslandThe island of Makira (formerly San Cristabal) showing elevation, districts and main islands.Item Open Access Malaita, Solomon IslandsThe island of Malaita, Solomon Islands with inset showing the atoll of Ontong Java to the southeast.Item Open Access Item Open Access Rendova IslandRendova Island (New Georgia Island Group) showing relief and the names of main rivers, islands and high points.Item Open Access Item Open Access Item Open Access Santa Isabel IslandSanta Isabel Island (also known as Isabel and Ysabel) showing elevation, main islands and settlements.Item Open Access Shortland Islands and Treasury IslandsShortland Islands and Treasury Islands including names of the smaller surrounding islands.