OECD's economic outlook

dc.contributor.authorMann, Catherineen_AU
dc.description.abstracthe OECD prepares outlooks four times a year for the global economy, individual members, and key partners. Key issues on this outlook include: Will the upturn in confidence indicator be ratified by sustainable improvements in consumption, investment and trade? Can the disconnection between financial market indicators and metrics of real economic performance be resolved without a sharp snap-back in asset prices? What are the policy recipes to ensure stronger underpinnings of long-term productivity and inclusiveness, to support the capacity of policymakers to make good on promises to their citizens? Catherine L Mann is OECD Chief Economist and Head of the Economics Department since October 2014. Ms Mann has enjoyed a distinguished career in the public sector and academia. Following 20-plus years in Washington DC, she was the Rosenberg Professor of Global Finance at Brandeis University and from 1997-2011 was a Senior Fellow and visiting Fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics. Earlier in her career Ms Mann served as a Senior International Economist at the President�s Council of Economic Advisors in the White House and worked as a Special Assistant to the Vice-President for Development Economics/Chief Economist at the World Bank. She also spent 13 years on the Federal Reserve Board as a Senior Economist and Assistant Director in the International Finance Division.en_AU
dc.publisherCrawford School of Public Policy. College of Asia and the Pacific. The Australian National University.en_AU
dc.rightsAuthor/s retain copyrighten_AU
dc.titleOECD's economic outlooken_AU
dc.typeSound recordingen_AU
dcterms.accessRightsOpen Access via publisher websiteen_AU
local.description.notesThe talk was moderated by Professor Warwick McKibbin, Director, ANU Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis.en_AU
local.type.statusPublished versionen_AU
