An Exploration into Model-Free Online Visual Object Tracking
Zhu, Gao
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This thesis presents a thorough investigation of model-free
visual object tracking, a fundamental computer vision task that
is essential for practical video analytics applications. Given
the states of the object in the rst frame, e.g., the position and
size of the target, the computational methods developed and
advanced in this thesis aim at determining target states in
consecutive video frames automatically. In contrast to the
tracking schemes that depend strictly on specic object detectors,
model-free tracking provides conveniently flexible and
competently general solutions where object representations are
initiated in the first frame and adapted in an online manner at
each frame.
We first articulate our motivations and intuitions in Chapter 1,
formulate model-free online visual tracking, illustrate outcomes
on two representative object tracking applications; drone control
and sports video broadcasting analysis, and elaborate other
relevant problems.
In Chapter 2, we review various tracking methodologies employed
by state-ofthe-art trackers and further review related background
knowledge, including several important dataset benchmarks and
workshop challenges, which are widely used for evaluating the
performance of trackers, as well as commonly applied evaluation
protocols in this chapter.
In Chapter 3 through Chapter 6, we then explore the model-free
online visual tracking problem in four different dimensions: 1)
learning a more discriminative classier with a two-layer
classication hierarchy and background contextual clusters; 2)
overcoming the limit of conventionally used local-search scheme
with a global object tracking framework based on instance-specic
object proposals; 3) tracking object affine motion with a
Structured Support Vector Machine (SSVM) framework incorporated
with motion manifold structure; 4) an efficient multiple object
model-free online tracking approach based on a shared pool of
object proposals.
Lastly, as a conclusion and future work outlook, we highlight and
summarize the contribution of this thesis and discuss several
promising research directions in Chapter 7, based on latest work
and their drawbacks of current state-of-the-art trackers.
object tracking, model-free, online
Thesis (PhD)
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