Economic enterprises in Aboriginal Communities in the Northern Territory
Ellanna, Linda
Loveday, Peter
Stanley, Owen
Young, Elspeth
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Brinkin, NT : The Australian National University, North Australia Research Unit (NARU)
The objective of the present study was to identify opportunities for Aboriginal controlled economic enterprise in selected Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory.
For this the following terms of reference were agreed to:
1. To determine the potential in specific Aboriginal communities and groups for (a) expanding any existing economic enterprises, and (b) initiating new enterprises.
2. To identify different existing or possible forms for local management and control and to report on their appropriateness and acceptability (e.g. by council, by cooperative, by private firm, by community association).
3. To assess the employment needs of projects and how these might be met.
4. To determine the character and extent of outside assistance that may be needed in respect of (a) training
(b) capital and other resources such as equipment
(c) managerial and technical expertise
(d) marketing
(e) funding, including government program
funding and to identify sources from which this assistance may be obtained.
These terms meant that it was necessary to ascertain the nature of economic systems (market and subsistence sectors) in contemporary Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory in light of potential economic enterprise development; and to determine the influence of Aboriginal demography and social and cultural institutions on the planning, development, and potential success of economic enterprises in selected Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory.
Aborigines, Australian -- Northern Territory -- economic conditions, Aborigines, Australian -- Northern Territory -- business enterprises
Ellanna, L. et al (eds) (1988) Economic enterprises in Aboriginal Communities in the Northern Territory, Darwin: Australian National University, North Australia Research Unit
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Open Access