Generation and storage of optical entanglement in a solid state spin-wave quantum memory

dc.contributor.authorFerguson, Katherine Rose
dc.description.abstractThis thesis investigates an entangled light source with an in-built quantum memory based on the protocol of rephased amplified spontaneous emission (RASE). RASE has promising applications as a building-block of a quantum repeater: a device essential for extending the range of current quantum communication links. To be useful RASE must be able to produce high fidelity non-classical light with high efficiency, and be able to store multimode entanglement for long times. This thesis characterises the RASE source and determines to what degree these requirements can be met. The experimental RASE demonstration was conducted in a rare-earth ion doped crystal. Rare-earth ions provide a particularly promising platform for developing quantum technologies as they possess long coherence times on both the optical and hyperfine transitions. In the RASE protocol an inverted ensemble of two-level atoms amplifies the vacuum fluctuations resulting in amplified spontaneous emission (ASE). This results in entanglement between the output optical field and the collective modes of the amplifying ensemble. The collective atomic state dephases due to the inhomogeneous broadening of the ensemble but this can be rephased using photon echo techniques. When the ensemble rephases, a second optical field, the rephased amplified spontaneous emission (RASE), is emitted and is entangled with the ASE. In this thesis, a modified four-level rephasing scheme is used that allows the single photon signals to be spectrally resolved from any coherent background emission associated with the bright driving fields. In addition, four-level RASE incorporates storage on the long-lived hyperfine ground states. Two experiments are described in this thesis. First, a free-space four-level RASE demonstration using continuous-variable detection. In this experiment the different sources of noise were characterised and low noise operation was shown to be possible. Entanglement of the ASE and RASE was confirmed by violating the inseparability criterion with 98.6% confidence. In addition, entanglement was demonstrated after storage of the collective atomic state on the spin states and RASE was shown to be temporally multimode, with almost perfect distinguishability between two temporal modes demonstrated. The degree of entanglement between the ASE and RASE was limited by the rephasing efficiency, which saturated at 3%. It was determined that distortion of the rephasing pulses as they propagate through the optically thick ensemble was the probable cause of the low efficiency. The second experiment was a preliminary cavity-enhanced RASE demonstration. Theoretically perfect rephasing efficiency can be obtained by placing the crystal in an impedance-matched optical cavity. The initial cavity design showed encouraging evidence of an enhancement in the rephasing efficiency, with a 4-fold improvement over the free-space experiment. Improvements to the cavity design were proposed to allow a further increase in the rephasing efficiency of RASE. In summary, this thesis provides an extensive characterisation of an entangled light source with an in-built quantum memory based on rephasing spontaneous emission from an ensemble of ions. Importantly, the RASE scheme allows generation and storage of entanglement in a single protocol, which holds great promise for the development of integrated quantum networks.en_AU
dc.subjectQuantum informationen_AU
dc.subjectSingle photon sourcesen_AU
dc.subjectQuantum memoriesen_AU
dc.subjectRare-earth ion crystalsen_AU
dc.titleGeneration and storage of optical entanglement in a solid state spin-wave quantum memoryen_AU
dc.typeThesis (PhD)en_AU
local.contributor.affiliationLaser Physics Centre, Research School of Physics and Engineering, College of Physical and Mathematical Sciencesen_AU
local.contributor.supervisorSellars, Matthew
local.description.notesThe author has deposited the thesis.en_AU
local.type.degreeDoctor of Philosophy (PhD)en_AU


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