Preliminary bibliography of East New Britain Province Papua New Guinea

dc.contributor.authorNeumann, Klaus
dc.contributor.authorBourke, Mike
dc.contributor.authorStockings, Natalie
dc.description.abstractThis is a preliminary bibliography of material published about East New Britain Province, Papua New Guinea. It includes readily accessible unpublished material, such as doctoral dissertations and monographs, containing substantial sections concerning the province. Nearly all the references have been sighted and checked. Like all bibliographies, ours is incomplete. It was prepared in 1998 and 1999 and has not been updated since then. Each entry is listed with the full bibliographical information only once, under what we considered to be the most relevant category. The last named are agriculture, anthropology, archaeology, art, bibliographies, botany, demography, descriptions and travel, economy, education, environment and conservation, fisheries, forestry, geography, geology, history, land tenure, laws and the legal system, libraries, museums and archives, linguistics and languages, literature, mass media, medicine, health and nutrition, meteorology, mining, music, politics and government, religion and missions, resettlement, social conditions, welfare and ubanisation, speleology, transportation, women and gender issues, zoology.en_AU
dc.format.extent158 pages
dc.identifier.citationNeumann, K., Bourke, R.M. and Stuckings, N. (1999). Provincial bibliography of East New Britain Province, Papua New Guinea.
dc.publisherDepartment of Human Geography, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, The Australian National Universityen_AU
dc.rights© 1999 The Australian National Universityen_AU
dc.titlePreliminary bibliography of East New Britain Province Papua New Guineaen_AU
dcterms.accessRightsOpen Access
local.description.notesDeposited by Mike Bourke 30.11.2022en_AU


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