Models and Algorithms for Metagenomics Analysis and Plasmid Classification
Wickramarachchi, Anuradha
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Metagenomics studies have provided key insights into the composition and structure of microbial communities found in different environments. Among the techniques used to analyze metagenomics data, binning is considered a crucial step to characterize the different species of microorganisms present. Metagenomics binning can be extended further towards determination of plasmids and chromosomes to study environmental adaptations. The field of metagenomics binning is mostly done on contigs from genome assemblies. Metagenomics studies are mostly performed with short read sequencing. Direct binning of short reads suffers from insufficient species-specific signal, thus they are usually assembled into longer contigs before binning. Therefore, the emergence of long-read sequencing technologies gives us the opportunity to study the binning of long reads directly, where such studies have been carried out in limited numbers. Firstly, this thesis presents the challenges in binning long reads compared to contigs assembled from short reads. One key challenge in binning long reads is the absence of coverage information, which is typically obtained from assembly. Moreover, the scale of long reads compared to contigs demands more computationally efficient methods for binning. Therefore, we develop MetaBCC-LR to address these challenges and perform metagenomics binning of long reads. We introduce the concept of k-mer coverage histogram to estimate the coverage of long reads without alignments and use a sampling strategy to handle the immense number of long reads. Since MetaBCC-LR is limited by the use of coverage and composition information in a stepwise manner, we further develop LRBinner to combine the coverage and composition information. This enables LRBinner to effectively combine coverage and composition features and use them simultaneously for binning. LRBinner also implemented a novel clustering algorithm that performs better on binning long-read datasets from species with varying abundances. Moreover, we propose OBLR to improve the coverage estimation of long reads via a read-overlap graph instead of k-mers. The read-overlap graph also enables OBLR to perform probabilistic sampling to better recover low-abundant species. Secondly, we investigate opportunities to improve plasmid detection which is considered as a binary plasmid-chromosome classification problem. We introduce PlasLR that enables adaptation of plasmid prediction tools designed for contigs to classify long and error-prone reads. We also develop GraphPlas that uses the assembly graph to improve plasmid classification results for assembled contigs. In summary, this thesis presents the progressive development of models and algorithms for metagenomics binning and plasmid classification.
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