Myth-making and Reality: A Critical Examination of Human Rights-Compliant Counterterrorism in the Philippines and Indonesia

dc.contributor.authorLamchek, Jaysonen_AU
dc.description.abstractThis thesis explores the relationship between counterterrorism and human rights. Its primary contention is that the promotion of the ideal of human rights-compliant counterterrorism has undermined rather than strengthened human rights. Drawing on fieldwork-based case studies in the Philippines and Indonesia, the thesis demonstrates that greater recognition for the role of human rights in achieving security has not prompted a positive transformation of counterterrorism practices. Instead, proponents of counterterrorist action have been able to frame their action as a necessary, human rights-sensitive, and rational response to unnecessary, human rights-insensitive and irrational political violence. The challenge therefore is how to devise strategies to resist human rights abuses in the name of counterterrorism that do not entangle human rights in the perpetuation and legitimation of the counterterrorism agenda. The thesis proceeds in eight chapters besides the Introduction. Chapter 1 sets the stage for analysis, introducing the normative discourse of human rights-compliant counterterrorism at the international level, and proposing a theoretical framework for analysing this discourse that draws from the insights of Critical Terrorism Studies and critical approaches to international law and human rights. Utilising this theoretical framework, I examine the extent to which counterterrorism practices undermined rather than advanced human rights in two case studies: the Philippines and Indonesia. Chapters 2, 3 and 4 develop the Philippine case study. Chapter 2 presents the local counterterrorism discourse during the government’s alignment with the United States’ “War on Terror”, showing that the government characterised complex armed struggles as “terrorism” with devastating consequences for human rights. Chapter 3 analyses the responses of local human rights advocates to this counterterrorism discourse, describing how their resistance strategies cannot be reduced to a clamour for human rights-compliant counterterrorism. Chapter 4 shows how official policies have incorporated human rights-friendly rhetoric; and why despite this, they are failing to transform the practices of security forces that lead to extrajudicial killings and other serious abuses. Chapters 5, 6 and 7 develop the Indonesian case study. Chapter 5 reviews the local counterterrorism discourse developed during the Suharto regime, showing that the threat of Islamic “terrorism” was likely fostered by it, benefiting the regime at the expense of human rights. Chapter 6 shows how, after the Bali bombing of 2002, Indonesia’s approach to counterterrorism has incorporated human rights, much more than in the Philippines, and how local human rights advocates have accordingly adjusted their perception of the Islamic “terrorist” threat and the acceptability of counterterrorism. Chapter 7 analyses how Densus 88, the main counterterrorism actor, enjoys impunity for extrajudicial killings, demonstrating that the legal framework has failed to restrain serious abuses and in fact inoculated the counterterrorism agenda from further scrutiny. Chapter 8, the concluding chapter, brings together the main findings of the thesis and emphasises the need for more critical human rights scholarship and advocacy that are disentangled from the counterterrorism agenda.en_AU
dc.provenance6.2.2020 - Made open access after no response to emails re: extending restriction.
dc.subjecthuman rightsen_AU
dc.subjectcounterterrorism in the Philippinesen_AU
dc.subjectcounterterrorism in Indonesiaen_AU
dc.subjectcountering terrorism while respecting human rightsen_AU
dc.subjectUnited Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategyen_AU
dc.subjectCritical Terrorism Studies (CTS)en_AU
dc.subjectThirld World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL)en_AU
dc.subjectextrajudicial killings in the Philippinesen_AU
dc.subjectextrajudicial killings in Indonesiaen_AU
dc.subjectcritical approaches to human rightsen_AU
dc.titleMyth-making and Reality: A Critical Examination of Human Rights-Compliant Counterterrorism in the Philippines and Indonesiaen_AU
dc.typeThesis (PhD)en_AU
local.contributor.affiliationCoral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs, College of Asia and the Pacific, The Australian National Universityen_AU
local.contributor.supervisorFarrall, Jeremy
local.description.notesauthor deposited 8/11/16en_AU
local.type.degreeDoctor of Philosophy (PhD)en_AU


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