Development of High Efficiency Four-Terminal Perovskite-Silicon Tandems

dc.contributor.authorDuong, The
dc.description.abstractThis thesis is concerned with the development of high efficiency four-terminal perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells with the potential to reduce the cost of solar energy. The work focuses on perovskite top cells and can be divided into three main parts: developing low parasitic absorption and efficient semi-transparent perovskite cells, doping perovskite materials with rubidium, and optimizing perovskite material’s bandgap with quadruple-cation and mixed-halide. A further section investigates the light stability of optimized bandgap perovskite cells. In a four-terminal mechanically stacked tandem, the perovskite top cell requires two transparent contacts at both the front and rear sides. Through detailed optical and electrical power loss analysis of the tandem efficiency due to non-ideal properties of the two transparent contacts, optimal contact parameters in term of sheet resistance and transparency are identified. Indium doped tin oxide by sputtering is used for both two transparent contacts and their deposition parameters are optimized separately. The semi-transparent perovskite cell using MAPbI3 has an efficiency of more than 12% with less than 12% parasitic absorption and up to 80% transparency in the long wavelength region. Using a textured foil as anti-reflection coating, an outstanding average transparency of 84% in the long wavelength is obtained. The low parasitic absorption allows an opaque version of the semi-transparent perovskite cell to operate efficiently in a filterless spectrum splitting perovskite-silicon tandem configuration. To further enhance the performance of perovskite cells, it is essential to improve the quality of perovskite films. This can be achieved with mixed-perovskite FAPbI3/MAPbBr3. However, mixed-perovskite films normally contain small a small amount of a non-perovskite phase, which is detrimental for the cell performance. Rb-doping is found to eliminate the formation of the non-perovskite phase and enhance the crystallinity of the films. Rb-doping is studied under different excess PbI2 concentrations and the optimal condition is found to be 5% Rb-doping and 15% excess PbI2 concentration. The addition of more than 10% Rb results in the formation of an unwanted Rb-rich phase due to the significant lattice mismatch between Rb and FA/MA cations. An efficiency of 18.8% is achieved for the champion cell as compared to 16% with control cells. Importantly, Rb-doping improves the light, moisture and thermal stability of perovskite cells. The optimal bandgap of the perovskite top cell in perovskite-silicon tandems is between 1.7 eV and 1.8 eV. A quadruple-cation Rb/Cs/FA/MA mixed-halide I/Br perovskite composition is explored to obtain high quality perovskite films with a bandgap of 1.73 eV. The ratio between Cs/FA/MA cations is critical to the morphology, crystal orientation and electronic properties of perovskite films. Furthermore, 5% Rb-doping enhances the crystallinity and suppresses defect migration in the films. Semi-transparent cells with efficiencies up to 16% and negligible hysteresis are achieved using this material. With excellent transparency and optimal bandgap of the semi-transparent perovskite cell, a record four-terminal mechanically stacked perovskite-silicon tandem efficiency of 26.4% is achieved.en_AU
dc.subjectsolar cellsen_AU
dc.titleDevelopment of High Efficiency Four-Terminal Perovskite-Silicon Tandemsen_AU
dc.typeThesis (PhD)en_AU
local.contributor.affiliationANU College of Engineering and Computer Science, The Australian National Universityen_AU
local.contributor.supervisorCatchpole, Kylie
local.description.notesthe author deposited 22/11/2017en_AU
local.type.degreeDoctor of Philosophy (PhD)en_AU


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