Dark Haloes and the Kinematics of Disc Galaxies
Aniyan, Suryashree
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The decomposition of the 21 cm rotation curve of galaxies into
contribution from the disc and dark halo is challenging and
depends on the adopted mass to light ratio (M/L) of the disc.
There are several traditional methods of determining the stellar
M/L but they remain uncertain. One method is the maximum disc
hypothesis, where we adopt the largest M/L such that the disc’s
contribution to the observed rotation curve does not anywhere
exceed the observed rotation curve. However, the maximality of
the disc has not been conclusively proven. Another method used to
estimate the M/L is from stellar population synthesis models, but
these have significant assumptions involved such as the star
formation history, the stellar initial mass function, chemical
enrichment history etc.
A more direct way of calculating the stellar M/L is by measuring
the surface mass density of the disc. For a given vertical
density distribution, the Jean’s equation in the vertical
direction gives a rather simple relation between the disc surface
mass density (Σ), vertical velocity dispersion (σz), and the
scale height (hz). Therefore, once we have adopted a density
model for the disc, given the σz and hz for a galaxy, we can
determine the Σ. These densities can be used along with the
surface brightness profile of the galaxy to determine the M/L.
This is an observationally determined M/L without as many
assumptions involved as in the other techniques.
Previous studies such as the DiskMass survey (Bershady et al.
2010a) and work by Herrmann et al. (2008) have used this method
to conclude that galaxy discs are submaximal. The DiskMass survey
used IFU spectroscopy and Herrmann et al. (2008) used planetary
nebulae (PNe) to trace the kinematics of the discs of a sample of
nearby spirals. Both these independent studies, using different
tracers of the disc kinematics, concluded that galaxy discs are
However, there is a conceptual problem that these studies were
not able to address. Measuring the surface density of the disc
requires a velocity dispersion and a disc scale height but they
must be for the same population of the tracers. Discs of spirals
contain stars (and PNe) of all ages. The younger stars (ages ~ 3
Gyr) have a relatively small scale height and velocity
dispersion, compared to the older, kinematically hotter disc
stars (ages ~ 3 – 10 Gyr). Since it is not possible to measure
the scale height directly in face-on discs, we need to estimate
it statistically using I-band and near-IR photometric data for
edge-on galaxies; these estimates are weighted towards the scale
height of the old disc, away from the dust plane of these
galaxies. The spectra of the integrated light of the disc, which
we use to measure the vertical velocity dispersion, come from the
luminosity-weighted stellar population of the disc and contain a
considerable contribution from the kinematically colder, younger
disc population. Failing to separate out this younger component
will lead to underestimating the velocity dispersion of the old
disc. The surface density of the disc is therefore
underestimated, and even if a disc in truly maximal disc, it will
appear to be submaximal.
In this thesis, we use a sample of K-giants in the solar
neighbourhood to establish that there really do exist two thin
disc components: a kinematically cold component with a small
dispersion and a hotter component with about twice the
dispersion. We establish that assuming a single kinematically
homogeneous population of stars will underestimate the surface
mass density by a factor of 2. This factor will play a huge
factor in whether a galaxy is classified as being maximal or
We then use a sample of three nearby, relatively face-on spirals
(NGC 628, NGC 6946, and NGC 5457) to extract the vertical
velocity dispersion of the hot thin disc. We use absorption line
spectra from the VIRUS-W instrument at McDonald observatory and
PNe observed with the Planetary Nebula Spectrograph to trace the
kinematics of the discs of these galaxies. In all three galaxies,
using these two kinematic tracers, we were able to extract the
velocity dispersion of the hot component, which we then used
along with the scale height (for the same component) to determine
the surface mass densities. The central surface mass densities
that we derive are typically at least a factor of 2 higher than
previous studies. We find that the vertical velocity dispersion
of the hot component falls exponentially with twice the radial
scale length of the galaxy as a function of radius. This implies
that these galaxies have a constant scale height and constant
M/L. We used available photometric data to calculate the M/L in
each radial bin where we determined the dynamical surface
densities. We believe that this is the first dynamical study that
gives the observed M/L in different radial bins for these nearby
disc galaxies.
We find all three of our analysed galaxies to be maximal. The
baryons dominate in the inner parts of these galaxies, with the
dark halo contributing minimally to the rotation curve.
Dark haloes, dark halos, disc kinematics, disk kinematics, spiral galaxies, rotation curve decomposition, planetary nebula, solar neighbourhood, solar neighborhood
Thesis (PhD)
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