Incidental Learners: Exploring primary school science teachers' learning during the Science Enrichment Programmes at the Science Centre Singapore




Sharma, Savita

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Teacher learning is active, continuous and challenging. As there is growing and ever-broadening knowledge in science, teachers need continuous support to maintain best practices throughout their career. For teachers to perform their diverse and complex roles, they need relevant science learning experiences. This is especially the case for primary school teachers. This study investigated whether and how primary school teachers in Singapore learn during Enrichment Programmes which are designed for primary school students, at Science Centre Singapore. The main focus of the study was to explore the nature of teachers’ constructed knowledge during the programmes, which are facilitated by three different dimensions of science communication. The method included a survey, interviews and observations. Analysis of the data from quantitative and qualitative results enabled a description of teacher learning in the programmes designed and conducted for students. The results led to the construction of a teachers’ learning model. This model establishes that teachers learn through communicating in different roles during the programmes. Further reflection leads to useful integration of the knowledge gained, which then contributes to classroom practice. The programmes provide a unique space for enhancement of elements of the teachers’ professional knowledge landscape, which differs from the kind of professional development offered in programmes designed for teachers. Further research is required, however, to understand more about how Pedagogical Context Knowledge is informed by these different roles.



Teacher Education, Formal Learning, Informal Learning, Primary School Teachers, Science Education, Science Enrichment, Programmes




Thesis (PhD)

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