Syntactic Change in the Verbal System of Bumthang,a Tibeto-Burman Language of Bhutan




Wyatt, Thomas

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This thesis investigates the synchronic and diachronic relationship of the verbal suffix -na to the copula na in Bumthang, a Tibeto-Burman language of central Bhutan. I discuss the formal and functional properties of each to demonstrate that the suffix-na originates in the structural reanalysis of the copula na. Previous research has shown how copulas in Tibeto-Burman languages may come to differentially mark personal knowledge. This differential pattern has been termed ‘personal versus impersonal,’ ‘conjunct versus disjunct,’ and ‘egophoric versus non-egophoric,’ among other labels. In the case of Bumthang I show that as -na has been drawn into the verbal paradigm, it has brought with it the dimension of differential personal versus impersonal marking to a system that did not previously make that distinction. This has led to significant changes in the structure of the verbal paradigm. It is hoped that this thesis will contribute to an understanding of how personal versus impersonal splits may develop, and be reinforced by other paradigms in the language. This thesis also aims to contribute to the documentation of Bumthang.



Tibeto-Burman, Bumthang, Bodish, egophoric, personal marking, Himalayas, linguistics, verb, morphology




Thesis (Honours)

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