Experimental investigation of the fluid driven carbonation of serpentinites and spinel-peridotites: implications for the carbon and trace element cycle in the forearc region of the mantle wedge
Sieber, Melanie Jutta
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Significant amounts of carbon (C) are released from the
subducting slab into fluids, but less carbon is outgassed in arc
volcanoes implying the storage of C in the mantle wedge. This
experimental study investigates the fate of C bearing aqueous
fluids when they travel through the (partially) hydrated forearc
mantle targeting the forearc mantle as a potentially relevant
carbon reservoir.
Thermodynamic modelling and piston cylinder experiments are
utilized to gain a comprehensive understanding on the reaction of
slab-derived COH fluids with serpentinites and peridotites
between 1-2.5 GPa and 375-750 °C. Powdered, natural serpentinite
was used to establish the phase relations of the
antigorite-CO2-H2O-system. Cylindrical cores of either natural
serpentinite or peridotites are used as starting material
investigating the reaction mechanisms, timescales and magnitudes
of the CO2-H2O-H2-fluid to rock reaction under realistic grain
sizes, natural porosity and given texture. Partitioning
coefficients for fluid mobile elements between carbonates and
COH-fluids are established experimentally. The results are
applied to carbonated high pressure rocks from the Western
European Alps.
The volatile composition of experimentally derived fluids is
quantified in an optimized analytical set up and measurement
procedure using gas chromatography. Solids are examined by XRD,
Raman spectroscopy, SEM, FE-EPMA, EPMA and Laser-Ablation-ICP-MS.
3D-µ-CT (three dimensional high resolution micro X-ray computed
tomography) of recovered rock cores visualizes textures and
porosity and determines phase abundances.
This study demonstrates that carbonation of the (partially)
hydrated forearc mantle efficiently sequesters CO2 from the fluid
into newly formed carbonates. With decreasing CO2 activity in the
fluid, magnesite is formed with quartz, talc and antigorite at
1-2.5 GPa and 375-650 °C. Above antigorite stability, magnesite
is stable with talc, talc+enstatite and enstatite±forsterite.
Excess aluminium derived from the consumed serpentine or
pyroxenes leads to the formation of chlorite and kyanite. With
progressing carbonation and decreasing CO2 activity in the fluid,
metasomatic reaction zones of distinct mineral assemblages are
formed in core experiments. Reaction zones are fluid permeable
because interconnected porosity is created during carbonation of
serpentinite and peridotite which likely occurs via an interface
coupled dissolution precipitation mechanisms. Carbonation occurs
as soon as the COH-fluid is in contact with primary silicates.
Carbonation is fast and completed within <1 h of the experiments
using powdered serpentinite and within <96 h using serpentinite
cores. The carbonation rate of peridotite cores approximates the
rate of serpentinite cores. The extent of C sequestering is
enhanced when reducing fluids cause additionally graphite
precipitation. Fluid mobile elements (e.g. Sr, Ba, Pb) are
compatible in carbonates and suitable for monitoring the
carbonation process.
Carbonation of the partially hydrated forearc mantle is relevant
to the cycle of C and trace elements in subduction zones. Over
time, the forearc mantle may become a significant reservoir for C
contributing to explain the imbalance between carbon released
from the slab and carbon output in arc magmatism. Thus,
carbonation within the forearc mantle should be considered when
estimating carbon fluxes within the Earth’s deep C cycle.
Further, a carbonated forearc mantle may host a crustal trace
element and isotope signature imposed by metasomatizing fluids
liberated from the subducting oceanic crust.
long-term, deep carbon cycle, COH-fluid to rock interaction, carbonation of serpentinites and peridotites, forearc mantle, trace element partitioning between carbonates and fluid
Thesis (PhD)
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