Substitution at an octahedral metal centre




Bosnich, Brice Michael

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This thesis contains most of the observations, experiments and conclusions resulting from work on the substitution reactions of some octahedral metal complexes. It is divided into four parts. The first chapter is a summary of the effects which are expected to control the rates of inorganic nucleophilic substitutions. The results discussed are those which the author considers are peculiarly inorganic rather than organic; although some overlap is inevitable. It is not intended to be a literature review, and is restricted mainly to octahedral systems. A discussion of the reactions of square planar complexes is not given, nor is any discussion made in regard to electron transfer reactions. The succeeding three chapters have their individual introductions. The intended purpose of these introductions is to give a brief survey of the previous work carried out on the particular problem under investigation. It was hoped by this to indicate clearly that a problem existed, and that it might be solved by the experiments that have been carried out. It was considered that the nature of the chosen topics did not warrant one long-, review type and perhaps perfunctory general introduction at the beginning of the thesis.



Chemical reactions, Metals, Substitution reactions, Metal complexes




Thesis (PhD)

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