Brazil resolution on sexual orientation: challenges in articulating asexual rights framework from the viewpoint of the global south



Narrain, Arvind
AsiaPacificQueer Network

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Canberra, ACT: The Australian National University


In April, 2003 the Brazilian government introduced a historic resolution on ‘Human rights and sexual orientation’. The resolution itself did not go very far as it merely ‘expresses deep concern at the occurrence of violations of human rights in the world against persons on the grounds of their sexual orientation’ and ‘stresses that human rights and fundamental freedoms are the birth right of all human beings, that the universal nature of these rights and freedoms is beyond question and that the enjoyment of such rights and freedoms should not be hindered in any way on the grounds of sexual orientation’.




Narrain, A (2005, July). Brazil resolution on sexual orientation: challenges in articulating asexual rights framework from the viewpoint of the global south. Paper presented at Sexualities, Genders and Rights in Asia: 1st International Conference of Asian Queer Studies. Bangkok, Thailand: AsiaPacifiQueer Network, Mahidol University; Australian National University


Sexualities, genders and rights in Asia : 1st international Conference of Asian Queer Studies, Ambassador Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand 7-9 July 2005


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