Ion-beam processes in group-III nitrides




Kucheyev, Sergei

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Group-III-nitride semiconductors (GaN, InGaN, and AlGaN) are important for the fabrication of a range of optoelectronic devices (such as blue-green light emitting diodes, laser diodes, and UV detectors) as well as devices for high-temperature/high-power electronics. In the fabrication of these devices, ion bombardment represents a very attractive technological tool. However, a successful application of ion implantation depends on an understanding of the effects of radiation damage. Hence, this thesis explores a number of fundamental aspects of radiation effects in wurtzite III-nitrides. Emphasis is given to an understanding of (i) the evolution of defect structures in III-nitrides during ion irradiation and (ii) the influence of ion bombardment on structural, mechanical, optical, and electrical properties of these materials. ¶ ... ¶ The work presented in this thesis has resulted in the identification and understanding of a number of both fundamental and technologically important ion-beam processes in III-nitrides. Most of the phenomena investigated are related to the nature and effects of implantation damage, such as lattice amorphization, formation of planar defects, preferential surface disordering, porosity, decomposition, and quenching of CL. These effects are often technologically undesirable, and the work of this thesis has indicated, in some cases, how such effects can be minimized or controlled. However, the thesis has also investigated one example where irradiation-produced defects can be successfully applied for a technological benefit, namely for electrical isolation of GaN-based devices. Finally, results of this thesis will clearly stimulate further research both to probe some of the mechanisms for unusual ion-induced effects and also to develop processes to avoid or repair unwanted lattice damage produced by ion bombardment.



GaN, AlGaN, InGaN, ion implantation, implantation damage, radiation defects, Group-III-nitride semiconductors, ion bombardment, ion irradiation




Thesis (PhD)

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