The making of White Australia: Ruling class agendas, 1876-1888




Griffiths, Philip Gavin

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This thesis argues that the colonial ruling class developed its first White Australia policy in 1888, creating most of the precedents for the federal legislation of 1901. White Australia was central to the making of the Australian working class, to the shaping of Australian nationalism, and the development of federal political institutions. It has long been understood as a product of labour movement mobilising, but this thesis rejects that approach, arguing that the labour movement lacked the power to impose such a fundamental national policy, and that the key decisions which led to White Australia were demonstrably not products of labour movement action. ¶ It finds three great ruling class agendas behind the decisions to exclude Chinese immigrants, and severely limit the use of indentured “coloured labour”. ...



White Australia Policy, racism, Australia, Marxism, colonial, settler state, Parkes, Griffith, McIlwraith, Chinese, immigration, slavery, unfree labour, Pacific Islanders, Kanakas, coolies, indentured labour, conservative, liberal, Queensland, New South Wales, NSW, South Australia, imperialism




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