Women's Influence in Decision-Making in New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea




Tararia, Almah

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This study is about women's influence in local-level decision-making in New Ireland, Papua New Guinea. It examines how and from where women derive the authority and power to exercise influence and the circumstances or contexts in which they do so. The varied and complex settings in which women act are often misunderstood to lack power. This thesis argues that understanding such contexts requires a reconceptualising of women's influence to capture the everyday lived experiences of women in their communities. Using rich ethnography, this thesis demonstrates that women's influence is nuanced and allows for in-depth exploration of the multiple and diverse ways that women negotiate gender relations, individually and/or collectively, and exercise their voices and agency. Five key themes emerged from the different contexts identified as spheres of influence and the range of acts of influence studied in this research. Women influencers act to extend and/or protect their interests and those of their communities by speaking up (and/or strategically choosing to keep silent), dispersing resources, advising others and defending kastam (custom). These acts require further analysis through several interrelated factors, identified by the study as women's place (women are either of the place (asples) or not (waira)), respect (sem), knowledge and space. This research shows how women's influence occurs through the claiming of cultural space to act, speak and/or mobilise. Women tailor their strategies against the cultural and social dynamics of male power and authority. An understanding of women's influence in localised contexts can contribute to a more comprehensive understanding and resolving of women's underrepresentation by acknowledging cultural legitimacy as a fundamental source of women's power.






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