Family Protection Orders in Papua New Guinea: Summary Report




Putt, Judy
Kanan, Lindy

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Canberra, ACT: Dept. of Pacific Affairs, Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs, The Australian National University


The aim of the research project on which this summary report is based, was to investigate whether the family protection orders (FPOs) introduced under the Family Protection Act 2013 (FPA) were being accessed by, and improving the safety of, domestic and family violence1 (DFV) survivors. The Act, as well as the introduction of civil restraining orders specifically targeted at preventing and reducing DFV, represented a significant milestone in efforts to address in DFV in Papua New Guinea (PNG). The project was undertaken from late 2019 to August 2020. It was a collaborative project that involved researchers based in Australia and PNG, local researchers in various communities and several non-government organisations (NGOs). More than 25 people assisted with the research activities, which occurred in seven locations across PNG — Minj, Mount Hagen, Lae, Port Moresby, Popondetta, Buka and Arawa. This is a summary of the the larger and more comprehensive report which can be found here.






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