Regional maritime management and security




Bateman, Sam
Bates, Stephen
Bergin, Anthony
Navavichit, Chart
Djalal, Hasjim
Eichner, Jolyn
Hamzah, B. A.
Hao, Pham
Hearns, Glen
Hewison, Grant

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Canberra : Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University, 1998.


This monograph includes the discussion papers presented at the Third Meeting of the CSCAP Maritime Cooperation Working Group held in Bangkok 30 May-1 June 1997. It is the third in the series of similar monographs by the CSCAP Maritime Cooperation Working Group. The theme of the meeting was regional ocean management and security. Its objectives were fourfold: - to review progress with the Guidelines for Regional Maritime Cooperation; - to contribute to the development of new ideas about cooperative management of regional sea and ocean areas; - to identify present and planned activities in some area of regional maritime cooperation (such as shipping, resource management, pollution prevention, marine safety, and law and order at sea) which have benefits for regional security (that is, 'value added'); - and to share national and sub-regional perspectives of cooperative oceans and marine management. The overall aim of the meeting was to explore new ideas of preventive diplomacy and confidence building in the general area of regional maritime cooperation, particularly in the enclosed and semi-enclosed regional seas of Southeast and Northeast Asia, where maritime activity is increasing and cooperation so important. The opportunity was also taken to discuss existing arrangements for regional maritime cooperation and the experiences of other regions in the world with similar considerations of maritime cooperation (that is, the Baltic and Mediterranean seas, and the Caribbean).







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