Mohenjo-daro: HR area, Temple, 2000 B.C.



Herbert E, Budek Films and mounted transparencys, Santa Barbara, California

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Many names have been given this particular structure at Mohenjo-daro, for its specific function is not clear to us, It is most likely a religious building of some sort and, therefore, is frequently termed the 'Temple' or 'Great Bath,' It measures thirty-nine feet by twenty-three feet by eight feet within a huge exterior structure measuring one hundred eighty feet by one hundred eight feet, As far as the religious and secular life of the people is concerned, this structure is an excellent document of their times because it displays the best masonry and ingenuity or architectural elements of any Mohenjo-daro construction, Inside the building was a courtyard at the center of which was a well, seen at the lower right of this slide, Surrounding the courtyard on two sides were rows of two-story buildings, reached by stairs, these were supplied with fresh water from the nearby well, Both the floor and walls were absolutely water-tight being plastered on the outside and plugged with a thick coat of bitumen (tar) on the inside, The second and third walls of the courtyard, completing the rectangle, were made of reemed mud making the whole a compact unit only penetrated by one large entrance and the pipes which served as emptying outlets for the water,


Indus Valley Civilization, archaeology, Mohenjo-Daro, mounted transparency set





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