Ethics of War in a Time of Terror




Australian National University. Strategic and Defence Studies Centre.

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The Australian National University, Strategic and Defence Studies Centre


This book is a collection of papers originally presented at a workshop entitled 'After Nine Eleven: Ethics in the Time of Terror' hosted by Monash University on 24 June 2005. The workshop participants included members of the Ethics of War and Peace (EWAP) working group which was inaugurated at the first Oceanic Conference on International Studies in July 2004. EWAP provides a cross-disciplinary forum for scholars and non-academic professionals to exchange and debate ideas on topics including the ethics of armed intervention, the Just War, pacifist ethics, international humanitarian law, ethics in the military profession, and the relationship between law, ethics and politics. The chapters within this book examine themes including 'lesser evils' and 'dirty hands' in the fight against tenorism, the ethics of intelligence gathering, humanitarian intervention, terrorism and the North-South divide, cultural equality as a response to terrorism, human rights and counterterrorism legislation, and the ethics of defending against 'biotenorism'. Contributors include Alex Bel lamy and Richard Devetak (University of Queensland), Baogang He (Deakin University), Christopher Michaelsen (Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe), Jeremy Moses (University of Canterbury), Christian Enemark and Hugh Smith (University of New South Wales, Australian Defence Force Academy). This paper represents the authors'views alone. lt has been drawn entirelyfrom open sources, and has no official status or endorsement.







Book Title

After Nine Eleven: Ethics in the Time of Terror' Workshop, Monash University on 24 June 2005.

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