The arts of care in an asylum and a community 1925-2004: Kenmore Hospital, New South Wales and Canberra, the Australian Capital Territory




Kordes, Doris

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This thesis examines the arts of care in an asylum in New South Wales (NSW) and a mental health community in the Australian Capital Territory in twentieth-century Australia, and describes and compares a range of governmental responses for responding to persons deemed to be in need of care. The thesis explores similarities between twentieth-century Australian care techniques and the key principles underpinning a ‘care system’ that was developed over 200 years ago. It proposes three twentieth-century care regimes, each one characteristic of a certain period: Herd Care, set in an asylum era that emphasised custodialism and confinement (1925-1958); Therapeutic Community, a period during which the asylum was reconfigured into a facilitative community (1959-1983); and Community Care, beginning around 1983, when NSW asylums were ‘rationalised’, their care techniques fragmented and outsourced in diverse settings generally referred to collectively as the mental health community. Some of the dynamics, continuities and ruptures in twentieth-century care regimes are analysed. Chapters describe the landscapes of care. They explore how environmental settings have been designed to reinforce the care regimes in which they are mobilised and how they ‘make up’ the possibilities for action of the subject of care. The dynamics of care between care providers and their recipients are examined. Some of the continuities and discontinuities of meanings associated with ‘family’ and ‘community’ in each of the care regimes are observed. Fieldwork findings are combined with the cultural narrative of psychiatric primitivism to consider why subjects have been deemed in need of care, at times in need of protection and training and at other times in need of discipline and restraint. The new possibilities for action that have emerged in Australian twentieth-century mental health governance are considered, when subjects of care have been encouraged to learn how to be free



mental health, care, asylums, community, psychiatry, mental health consumers, mental health patients, families, carers, government, governmentality, freedom, Kenmore Hospital, NSW, Australia




Thesis (PhD)

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