Diffusion and adoption of hybrid rice in Bangladesh




Shah, Md. Mofakhrul Islam

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A devastating flood in the 1998-1999 cropping season created a rice seed shortage in Bangladesh, which became a challenge for sustaining growth in rice production. In order to address this issue, hybrid rice was introduced in the 1999 boro season as one of the potential options. Its acceptance by farmers was, however, a disappointment because of the emergence of manifold problems. Understanding the "Diffusion and adoption of hybrid rice in Bangladesh" over the last decade is, therefore, critical to successful promotion. To achieve this, the present study was conducted within the framework of the "Diffusion of Innovations" paradigm focusing on the decision stage. The main objectives of the study were to assess the extent of adoption of hybrid rice; to establish its diffusion pattern; to assess the growers' satisfaction on consuming hybrid rice; and understand reasons for non-adoption, de-adoption and continuing adoption. A concurrent embedded design using a cross sectional survey was employed to carry out the study. The study was conducted in five regions of Bangladesh. The sample population consisted of rice growers of the boro season who were responsible for farming decisions. A multistage stratified random sampling design was employed in selecting the sample of 440 farmers. Three categories, namely, non-adopters, de-adopters and continuing adopters of hybrid rice were sampled. Data were collected through face-to-face interviews of the sampled farmers using a pre-tested and back translated questionnaire comprising a series of 21 questions. The questionnaire was formatted with both open ended and closed question items for securing quantitative and qualitative data. The data confirmed that the overall extent of adoption of hybrid rice during the period of the 2001- 2011 boro seasons was moderate in the sample areas. Comparing the selected technological aspects of hybrid rice with inbred varieties, it was found that although hybrid rice cultivation secures higher yield and profitability, it has a range of disadvantages. Logistic regression results showed that several factors affected farmers' decisions to adopt hybrid rice, including farmers' demographic and attitudinal characteristics. Their stated reasons for non-adoption, de-adoption and continuing adoption are compared in this thesis with those hypothesized from the literature for de-adoption. These reasons include unsuitability for consumption, lower market prices, severe infestations of insect pests and lack of irrigation facilities. These factors will need to be addressed if hybrid rice is to attain greater adoption levels in Bangladesh. There is an enormous potential for improving the level of adoption of hybrid rice in Bangladesh. In order to achieve this, the scientific community, planners and extension workers both at national and international level would need to initiate further research and revise existing policy guidelines in light of the findings of this study.






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