Nonlinear localization, controlled transport and collapse suppression in Bose-Einstein condensates




Abdullaev, Jasur

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This thesis includes theoretical studies regarding stability and manipulation of Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) of ultra-cold atoms in 2D trapping geometry, as well as formation of steady states of exciton-polariton Bose-Einstein condensates created in solid states. We analyze and numerically model the dynamics and localization of the condensates using mean-field model. Chapter 1 contains an introduction to the physics of ultra-cold atom BEC and excitonpolariton BEC which provides a framework for the work presented in later chapters. In Chapter 2, we consider a method for achieving dynamically controllable transport of highly mobile matter-wave solitons in an ultra-cold atom BEC with attractive interparticle interaction loaded into a driven two-dimensional optical lattice. Our numerical analysis based on the mean-field model and the theory based on the effective particle approach demonstrate that fast, time-periodic rocking of the two-dimensional optical lattice enables efficient stabilization and manipulation of spatially localized matter wave packets via induced reconfigurable mobility channels. Chapter 3 consists of an investigation of the instability - collapse of a BEC with attractive interactions. In this chapter we explore the influence of an orbital angular momentum on the collapse of vortex-free elliptic clouds of Bose-Einstein condensates trapped in a radially symmetric harmonic potential or a rotating elliptic potential. The results of our analysis show that the number of trapped ultracold atoms corresponding to the collapse threshold can be radically increased for such rotating nonlinear matter waves in a radially harmonic trap. The results corresponding to a BEC cloud confined in a rotating elliptic trap show that the elongated stationary states can be parallel or perpendicular to the long axis of the trap and display bistable nature. In Chapter 4, we examine spatial localization and dynamical stability of Bose-Einstein condensates of exciton-polaritons in microcavities under the condition of off-resonant spatially inhomogeneous optical pumping both with and without a harmonic trapping potential. We employ the open-dissipative Gross-Pitaevskii model for describing an incoherently pumped polariton condensate coupled to an exciton reservoir. We reveal that spatial localization of the steady-state condensate occurs due to effective self-trapping created by the polariton flows, regardless of the presence of the external potential. A ground state of the polariton condensate with repulsive interactions between the quasiparticles represents a dynamically stable bright dissipative soliton. We also investigate the conditions for sustaining spatially localized structures, with nonzero angular momentum, in the form of single-charge vortices. Chapter 5 consider the existence of novel spatially localized states of exciton-polariton Bose-Einstein condensates in semiconductor microcavities with fabricated periodic inplane potentials. Our theory shows that, under the conditions of continuous nonresonant pumping, localization is observed for a wide range of optical pump parameters due to effective potentials self-induced by the polariton flows in the spatially periodic system. We show that the self-localization of exciton-polaritons in the lattice may occur both in the gaps and bands of the single-particle linear spectrum, and is dominated by the effects of gain and dissipation rather than the structured potential, in sharp contrast to the conservative condensates of ultra-cold alkali atoms.






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