Multimodal analysis of verbal and nonverbal behaviour on the example of clinical depression




Alghowinem, Sharifa

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Clinical depression is a common mood disorder that may last for long periods, vary in severity, and could impair an individual’s ability to cope with daily life. Depression affects 350 million people worldwide and is therefore considered a burden not only on a personal and social level, but also on an economic one. Depression is the fourth most significant cause of suffering and disability worldwide and it is predicted to be the leading cause in 2020. Although treatment of depression disorders has proven to be effective in most cases, misdiagnosing depressed patients is a common barrier. Not only because depression manifests itself in different ways, but also because clinical interviews and self-reported history are currently the only ways of diagnosis, which risks a range of subjective biases either from the patient report or the clinical judgment. While automatic affective state recognition has become an active research area in the past decade, methods for mood disorder detection, such as depression, are still in their infancy. Using the advancements of affective sensing techniques, the long-term goal is to develop an objective multimodal system that supports clinicians during the diagnosis and monitoring of clinical depression. This dissertation aims to investigate the most promising characteristics of depression that can be “heard” and “seen” by a computer system for the task of detecting depression objectively. Using audio-video recordings of a clinically validated Australian depression dataset, several experiments are conducted to characterise depression-related patterns from verbal and nonverbal cues. Of particular interest in this dissertation is the exploration of speech style, speech prosody, eye activity, and head pose modalities. Statistical analysis and automatic classification of extracted cues are investigated. In addition, multimodal fusion methods of these modalities are examined to increase the accuracy and confidence level of detecting depression. These investigations result in a proposed system that detects depression in a binary manner (e.g. depressed vs. non-depressed) using temporal depression behavioural cues. The proposed system: (1) uses audio-video recordings to investigate verbal and nonverbal modalities, (2) extracts functional features from verbal and nonverbal modalities over the entire subjects’ segments, (3) pre- and post-normalises the extracted features, (4) selects features using the T-test, (5) classifies depression in a binary manner (i.e. severely depressed vs. healthy controls), and finally (6) fuses the individual modalities. The proposed system was validated for scalability and usability using generalisation experiments. Close studies were made of American and German depression datasets individually, and then also in combination with the Australian one. Applying the proposed system to the three datasets showed remarkably high classification results - up to a 95% average recall for the individual sets and 86% for the three combined. Strong implications are that the proposed system has the ability to generalise to different datasets recorded under quite different conditions such as collection procedure and task, depression diagnosis testing and scale, as well as cultural and language background. High performance was found consistently in speech prosody and eye activity in both individual and combined datasets, with head pose features a little less remarkable. Strong indications are that the extracted features are robust to large variations in recording conditions. Furthermore, once the modalities were combined, the classification results improved substantially. Therefore, the modalities are shown both to correlate and complement each other, working in tandem as an innovative system for diagnoses of depression across large variations of population and procedure.



depression analysis, mood detection, computer vision application, speech analysis




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