Banjarese verbal morphology




Sari, Nirmala

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Banjarese is a language spoken by an ethnic group ca 11 ed Banjar. They live along the coast of south, south-east, and in the interior of South Kalimantan (Borneo), Indonesia. Banjarese belongs to the Western Austronesian 1 anguage family. This 1 anguage is bordering with languages such as Ngaju to the west, Maanyan and Lawangan to the north and north-west, Bajau to the south-east, and Sampit to the south-west. Because of close cultural and trade relations between Banjarese people and the speakers of those languages, Banjarese spread into these different language areas. Particularly in the towns and cities in these areas, Banjarese is spoken as a lingua franca between people speaking different languages, for example, between the speakers of Banjarese and Ngaju, or speakers of Maan ya n and Ngaju. Before World War II Banjarese people were reknowned for their patterns of migration. A great number of Banj arese peop 1 e migrated to East Kalimantan. Not surprisingly in this area Banjarese is also spoken as a language for communication. A group of Banjarese emigrated as far as Sapat and Tembilahan in Riau, Sumatera. In these pl aces they formed pockets of Banjarese speakers amongst Riau Malay speakers.






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