Technical training and development in Papua 1894 - 1941




Austin, Tony

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Canberra, ACT : Pacific Research Committee, Reseach School of Pacific Studies, The Australian National University.


The sparse literature on educational development in pre-war Papua has stressed the extent to which education in the territory was neglected. Australia's pre-war colonial record in education was unquestionably poor. The parsimonious grants made available for Papua's development meant that no government schools were built before World War II. Nevertheless, it is apparent that some notable achievements of the period have been overlooked. This study shows that significant advances were made in the area of technical education. The training of skilled and semi-skilled artisans was a feature of mission education in Papua as far back as the 1880s. The initial impetus for this training was provided by a number of enthusiastic mission educators. Subsequently, Hubert Murray, Papua's Administrator for over three decades, provided the financial support necessary for the operation of five mission-run technical schools. In addition, numerous small-scale, low level training schemes were implemented by the missions with government financial support. Technical Training and Deve lopment in Papua 1874-1941 describes the growth that took place and analyses the reasons for that development. The author suggests that the effects of the training on Papua's development have been understated. The impact of the training on Papuan villages was of ten marked and the contribution of skilled Papuan artisans to the colony's post-war development was probably much greater than has hitherto been recognized. Furthermore, not only was the self-confidence of Papuans enhanced as a consequence of the skills they developed ; so was the esteem they were accorded by the white residents of the territory. This constituted a significant break-through in race relations in the colony.







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