The 1978/1979 academic year university graduates in Thailand : internal migration for purposes of tertiary education and subsequent employment




Tantiratanavong, Jiranee

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This thesis describes the patterns of migration and distribution of undergraduates and employed graduates using the Survey of the 1978/1979 Academic Year Graduates' Job Placement which was conducted by the Office of University Affairs, Thailand, as the principal source of data. In Chapter 2, undergraduate migration is studied by examining the in- and out-migration of the respondents for the seven regions of the country. The effect of the higher education decentralization policies on levels of migration are considered. Graduate employment trends during the 1974/1975-1978/1979 academic years are studied in Chapter 3 to give a general idea of the employment situation of government university graduates. It is concluded that the overall levels of unemployment amongst government university graduates do not constitute a problem at present. In Chapter 4, the patterns and redistribution of employed graduates are examined by various types of migration. It is demonstrated that Bangkok university graduates are less mobile for employment than other graduates. The final chapter concludes with a discussion of the implications of the findings and the limitations and possible further development of the study.






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