How the Situationist International became what it was
Hayes, Anthony
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The Situationist International (1957-1972) was a small group of
communist revolutionaries, originally organised out of the West
European artistic avant-garde of the 1950s. The focus of my
thesis is to explain how the Situationist International (SI)
became a group able to exert a considerable influence on the
ultra-left criticism that emerged during and in the wake of the
May movement in France in 1968. My wager is that the pivotal
period of the group is to be found between 1960 and 1963, a
period marked by the split of 1962. Often this is described as
the transition of the group from being more concerned with art to
being more concerned with politics, but as I will argue this
definitional shorthand elides the significance of the
Situationist critique of art, philosophy and politics.
The two axes of my thesis are as follows. First, that the
significant minority in the group which carried out the break of
1962, identified a homology between the earlier Situationist
critique of art — embodied in the Situationist ‘hypothesis of
the construction of situations’ — and Marx’s critique and
supersession of the radical milieu of philosophy from which he
emerged in the mid- 1840s. This homology was summarised in the
expression of the Situationist project as the ‘supersession of
art’ (dépassement de l’art). Secondly, this homology was
practically embodied in the resolution of the debates over the
role of art in the elaboration of the Situationist hypothesis,
which had been ongoing since 1957. However, it was the SI’s
encounter with the ultra-left group Socialisme ou Barbarie that
would prove decisive. Via Guy Debord’s membership, the group
was exposed to both the idea of a more general revolutionary
criticism, but also ultimately what was identified as the
insufficiently criticised ‘political militancy’ of this
group. Indeed, in the ‘political alienation’ found in
Socialisme ou Barbarie, a further homology was established
between the alienation of the political and artistic
avant-gardes. This identity would prove crucial to the further
elaboration of the concept of ‘spectacle’.
By way of an examination of the peculiar and enigmatic ‘Hamburg
Theses’ of 1961, and the relationship between these
‘Theses’ and the Situationist criticism of art and politics
worked out over the first five years of the group, I will argue
that the break in 1962 should be conceived as one against
politics as much as art (rather than just the latter, as it is
more often represented). Additionally, I will outline how the SI,
through the paradoxical reassertion of their artistic origins,
attempted to synthesise their criticism of art with the recovery
of the work of Marx beyond its mutilation as Marxism. Indeed, it
was the synthesis of these critiques that enabled the
considerable development of the concept of ‘spectacle’,
opening the way to the unique influence the SI exerted in the
re-emergence of a revolutionary movement at the end of the 1960s.
art, avant-garde, Cornelius Castoriadis, constructed situation, Guy Debord, Hamburg Theses, Attila Kotányi, Marx, Marxism, politics, situation, Situationist, Situationist hypothesis, Situationist International, supersession, unitary urbanism, Raoul Vaneigem
Thesis (PhD)
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