Growth and structure of the lexicon of New Guinea pidgin




Mülhäusler, Peter

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This thesis describes the development and present-day manifestation of the lexicon , in particular the derivational lexicon , of New Guinea Pidgin (Tok Pisin ) , a form of Pidgin English spoken in Papua New Guinea. The linguistic description is embedded in and related to a description of the external history of this language and the social context in which it is used in the present . The thesis is divided into seven chapters . Chapter I provides introductory notes on the language and i ts speakers , a discuss ion of data s amp ling techniques and the corpus of data as well as remarks on the organization of the thesis . Chapter II discusses in detail the methodological problems of describing pidgin languages and New Guinea Pidgin . In particular , the problems. in connection with linguistic variation along the temporal , spatial and social axes are examined . In addition , arguments in support of a lexicalist approach to the description of the derivational lexicon of this language are put forward . Chapter III deals with the socio-historical setting of New Guinea Pidgin . The chapter is subdivided into a discussion of the external history , t he history of language policies and attitude s and the external context of present-day variation . On the basis of the social functions and the status of the speakers of New Guinea Pidgin , five stages in the life-cycle and four main social varieties of this language are distinguish ed . Chapter IV discusses the linguistic properties of the lexicon of New Guinea Pidgin in relation to the five main stages of its life cycle , it s social varieties, its regional varieties , and its stylistic levels , pointing out the relationship between these varieties . Chapter V gives an exhaustive treatment of the derivational lexicon of Rural Pidgin , the principal varity of New Guine a Pidgin . The three main derivational processes , multifunctionality , compounding , and reduplication are analysed and illustrated with a large set of examples . Chapter VI deals with the linguistic future of New Guinea Pidgin , in particular with proposals about vocabulary planning . The role of vocabulary planning is seen as providing new lexicalitems in a phase of rapid functional expansion of this language , whilst keeping intact its lexical structures. Chapter VII contains the principal findings and conclusions . It is argued that an understand in g of the nature of New Guinea Pidgin can only be attained once diachronic developments and synchronic variation are related to one another and to the social context in which the language is us ed. An appendix containing the originals of German quotations is attache d.






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