Pat White - university administrator



White, Pat

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The Australian National University, Emeritus Faculty Inc.


Miss Pat White commenced her administrative career with the university in 1962 when she was appointed as a Graduate Assistant on the staff of the Registrar of the School of General Studies. In 1965 she was appointed as Sub-Dean of the Faculty of Arts, a position that had previously been occupied by a member of the academic staff. As Sub-Dean she was primarily concerned with student administration. Her move to central administration came in 1973 when she was appointed Acting Assistant Registrar, Academic staff matters. This was followed shortly after by a promotion to Assistant Registrar, Student Administration. In 1983 she transferred to the position of Assistant Registrar, Council and remained in this position until her retirement in May 1991. In addition to her service to university administration, she served on the boards of a number of residential colleges and is currently a member of the Ursula College board.



Pat White, ANU, Emeritus Faculty, oral history




Interview (Transcript)

Book Title

ANU Emeritus Faculty Oral History Project

Entity type

Access Statement

Open Access

License Rights

After they have given their interviews, interviewees are asked to assign copyright for the recordings to Emeritus Faculty, but with conditions of access decided by individual interviewees if they wish. Interviewees have not generally applied conditions to use of the audio or written material in this project, but should you, the listener or reader, want to reproduce or use the information in any way, you should check with Emeritus Faculty for any limitations on use, and for help in contacting the interviewee should that be necessary.


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