Politics, ideology and the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1856-72




Connolly, Christopher Newland

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The nominated Legislative Council in New South Wales was never intended as a bastion of squatter supremacy but was preferred to an elective upper house partly because it seemed likely to give representation to urban conservatives and partly because it could be 'swamped' in constitutional deadlocks with the Assembly. In the first years of responsible government the Council became, as expected, the organ of urban conservatism, but those years also saw the growth of a radical liberal movement drawing most of its support from small traders, minor professional men and artisans. The wealthy businessmen, lawyers, landowners and squatters whose interests the Council was designed to protect were unable to prevent the enactment of 'class legislation'in favour of the 'little man'; they heard liberal politicians attack the supremacy of statute law and deny the necessity for a conservative upper house; and they saw state aid withdrawn at a time when the influence of conventional religion seemed necessary to prevent the 'disintegration' of society. Above all, the Governor was forced to swamp the Council when no strictly constitutional deadlock existed, destroying conservative faith in the nominated upper house. After the swamping, however, Cowper, the liberal Premier, conciliated the conservatives and during the 1860s they regained some of their influence. Liberal eagerness for 'popular' reforms diminished and, as the conservatives' fears subsided, they began once more to favour the nominated Council. By the early 1870s, many liberals also agreed that the principle of nomination had worked well. The old political divisions were by then almost irrelevant and conservatives of the 1850s contributed significantly to the 'liberal' ethos of the 1870s and early 1880s.






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