Making Hizbiyyin: Hizbut Tahrir in South Sulawesi




Rijal, Syamsul

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Canberra, ACT : The Australian National University


This sub-thesis examines the emergence of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) through its methods of recruitment and indoctrination. A branch of international Hizbut Tahrir (HT), in comparison to the performance of other transnational Islamist movements in Indonesia, HTI shows rapid mobilization, strong cadre building and a deep grasp of and adherence to central HT ideology. HT has been present in Indonesia since the early 1980s, initially as an underground organization, then from 2000, as a formal Islamist movement. The transition to democracy and the lifting of political restrictions at the end of the Soeharto regime in May, 1998 facilitated the rise of HTI. This study focuses on the strategies and processes of recruitment and indoctrination employed by HTI, taking as a case study its members in Makassar, South Sulawesi. It will demonstrate the importance of innovative recruitment techniques and intensive indoctrination to understanding HTI's success. It will discuss HTI perspectives on da’wa (predication) and activities for recruitment and mobilization as outlined in their publications. Furthermore, through interviews conducted in the field, it will examine the experiences of rank and file members in dealing with their acquaintance with HTI and their processes of participation and membership. Most recruitment takes place through interpersonal relations between HTI members, the hizbiyyin and existing social networks. Furthermore, hizbiyyin actively seek converts by establishing and maintaining new social relationships in order to guide others to participate in HTI activities, before leading them to further levels of commitment. This sub-thesis will also explore how indoctrination has a determining role in creating dedicated hizbiyyin. This is mainly conducted through weekly halqa, or study clubs, which serve to keep new recruits learning, moulding their minds and behaviour and maintaining unity of thought among the members. Besides discussing the social background of hizbiyyin and the psychology of youth, it will show the impact of intensive indoctrination on them by analyzing their narratives given in interviews.



Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia, Hizbiyyin, Recruitment, Indoctrination, Muslim Youth, Halqa




Thesis (Masters sub-thesis)

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