Bogong Moth Aestivation Sites as an Archive for Understanding the Floral, Faunal and Indigenous History of the Northern Australian Alps




Keaney, Benedict

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The research detailed in this dissertation focuses on plant and faunal remains preserved in the accumulating sediments at aestivation sites of the Bogong Moth (Agrotis infusa), in the crevices of granite tors in the northern Australian Alps. Analyses have confirmed the preservation of a diverse range of fossil material, including bird feathers, hairs of small marsupials occupying the rock crevice niche, fossil pollen and spores derived from the summit vegetation, and charcoal from fires in the immediate vicinity of the aestivation sites. The fieldwork focused on the sampling of deposits at various aestivation sites representative of different biogeographical areas to ascertain the sedimentary characteristics of each region. Three aestivation study areas were located and sampled for the study, the Brindabella Ranges, the Bogong Peaks and the Tinderry Range in NSW. The Tinderry Range sites represent the most easterly geographical region, while the Bogong Peaks site and Brindabella Ranges sites represent, respectively, the western and central aestivation site regions of the northern Australian Alps area. Since preservation of organic material typically occurs in a stable low oxygen environment, investigation into the depositional environment is an important aspect of the study to taphonomically contextualise the environmental proxies. The palynological preparation of material from the three regions revealed abundant pollen derived from local vegetation. A rich assemblage of mammal hair was found in the Bogong Peaks and Mt Gingera sediments. This record provides a unique faunal proxy of sub-alpine ecosystems. Levels of charcoal in the sediments reflect past fire frequency, and are presented in both micro- and macro-charcoal graphs. Aestivation site deposits are a unique terrestrial archive recording ecological change in the montane and sub-alpine environments for over 1000 years. Despite some chronometric difficulties, they provide an excellent record of the effects of local disturbance, such as fires, on the biome and provide insights into the impact of European settlement, on both vegetation structure and faunal biodiversity. The study provides evidence of massive cultural, ecological and climatic upheaval at sub-alpine elevations in the northern Australian Alps from the late Holocene up to the present, and illustrates the great value that aestivation sites hold as terrestrial archives, signalling a need for further utilisation and investigation in light of rapid human induced climate change.



Bogong moth, aestivation, Australian Alps, terrestrial archive, flora, fauna, fire history, pollen, mammal hair, charcoal, sub-alpine, European settlement




Thesis (PhD)

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