Migration to and from metropolitan Manila : an analysis of the 1975 census data




Dungca, Lualhati Espinoza

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This thesis is an analysis of the differentials in the levels of migration and the characteristics of migrants to and from Metropolitan Manila between 1970 and 1975 using a five per cent sample of the 1975 Census as the principal source of data. Measures are presented of the levels of migration to and from Metropolitan Manila (a) from one region to another, (b) from the urban areas to the rural areas and (c) from one Metropolitan Manila city/municipality to another. Also, the age-sex education, marital status and occupational characteristics of migrants are examined. Factors that influence migration as identified in different migration models and theories are used as guides to explain variations in levels of migration and the selectivity of migrants. Regression analysis of some regional and Metropolitan Manila city/municipality variables on the volume or rate of migration is carried out to determine correlates of migration. The thesis concludes with a discussion of the implications of the findings on population redistribution and the limitations and possible further development of the study.






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