Fundamental solution based numerical methods for three dimensional problems: efficient treatments of inhomogeneous terms and hypersingular integrals




Lee, Cheuk Yu

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In recent years, fundamental solution based numerical methods including the meshless method of fundamental solutions (MFS), the boundary element method (BEM) and the hybrid fundamental solution based finite element method (HFS-FEM) have become popular for solving complex engineering problems. The application of such fundamental solutions is capable of reducing computation requirements by simplifying the domain integral to the boundary integral for the homogeneous partial differential equations. The resulting weak formulations, which are of lower dimensions, are often more computationally competitive than conventional domain-type numerical methods such as the finite element method (FEM) and the finite difference method (FDM). In the case of inhomogeneous partial differential equations arising from transient problems or problems involving body forces, the domain integral related to the inhomogeneous solutions term will need to be integrated over the interior domain, which risks losing the competitive edge over the FEM or FDM. To overcome this, a particular treatment to the inhomogeneous term is needed in the solution procedure so that the integral equation can be defined for the boundary. In practice, particular solutions in approximated form are usually applied rather than the closed form solutions, due to their robustness and readiness. Moreover, special numerical treatment may be required when evaluating stress directly on the domain surface which may give rise to hypersingular integral formulation. This thesis will discuss how the MFS and the BEM can be applied to the three-dimensional elastic problems subjected to body forces by introducing the compactly supported radial basis functions in addition to the efficient treatment of hypersingular surface integrals. The present meshless approach with the MFS and the compactly supported radial basis functions is later extended to solve transient and coupled problems for three-dimensional porous media simulation.



Three-dimensional linear elasticity, method of fundamental solutions, particular solutions, compactly supported radial basis functions, dual reciprocity method, boundary element method, Hypersingular integral, Hadamard finite part integral, Cauchy principal value integral, complex-step derivative




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